May 4, 2010

Greece and the Black Holes

Atrophysically a black hole is a state of great mass which generates a great amount of gravity.So great that nothing , not even light can escape it.It is called black because it absorbs all the light that hits it, reflecting nothing.

 "Black holes" are also called  those greek politicians that absorbed the social packages from EU and a significant amount of the national income to turn them into great houses at the suburbs , fancy cars , plastic surgeries for their pittyful ladies ,luxurius trips at Dubai and other wealthy activities...

The time has now come for some loans to be paid out.But there is no money left in our pockets and no pitty  spared from the strangers."Black holes" have resigned quietly and now they re giggling behind their desks ,they think they have escaped . New black holes have taken over but apparantely there is nothing left to absorb for them ,while at the same time the international currency fund sends his men for vacation to greek islands.

There they met our lovely president and the happy gang went to lunch. After eating some lobster with spaghetti ,talked about cars and football , they concluded that barcelona is the best team in the world but mourinho on the other hand is a very capable coach .Then they realised it was time to talk about new measurements in order to make greeks' life "easier" .

So they decided ,for a start, to  cut two salaries by all civil servants ,reduce the retirement pansions, increase the taxes from 21% to 25 % and the show goes on .

And i am here now asking myself .. did my parents ever steal  public money ?Did they ever use public's trust for their own good? Did they ever spend money for lux or anything that was more than the simple things we need to live our lives in dignity ??? NO , NO and NO .But MY parents as all greek people will have to pay out instead , the money that they stole from us in the first place ! This is insane! The robber comes to ur house steals from you and then the next robber says give me back the money the other one stole from you? Does anyone have the balls to finally put in jail those who have full responsibility for this economical disaster? For bringing people to this edge? Does anyone have the balls to cut the representatives' salaries ? Or better to fire some of them? Are they useless, am sure of it.

I am , we all are discussed of them.More because they pull every way and every opportunity to take down our dignity ,our integrity,our rights !!! acting like we are blind , acting like we are stupid.
But you are blind and you are stupid becuase you cannot see that your end is outside the door!

Sorry for the tone.This was only an introduction to the political black holes definition.


Skye said...

I understand your pain. Sometimes I feel happy that Finland is the country with the least corruption in the world. We never have to "under-the-desk" payments to anyone, nor do we tip in restaurants. The organized crime here is a joke, and unemployed people can still live well and be happy (though it's much better to work, the pay is so much better).

By the way, we just sent you 1,5 billion euros, you're welcome! Though it's technically a loan (heh, we all know it's difficult to pay it back ever) and we aren't exactly a huge business partner of yours, I still feel it's a great thing that the countries of Europe help eachother in times of need. You would do the same to us, I am sure.

Anonymous said...

I have to say that as a person living in the US, I feel really sorry for the state of the Economy through out the world. It was here in the US that the crisis originated so I cannot help but to feel that we are responsible for everything that is going on right now. It is a shame that because of bad decisions made by a few irresponsible companies the world find itself in the state of affairs that it is now.

It is disgusting that "we" the People have to bear the burden of "Their" greed. When Companies like AIG where in the brink of collapse the American public had to pay Billions of dollars to "Bail" them out. And How did they repay us? AIG had the balls to still hand out "Bonuses" to some of its top executives As if the company was being successful...those where "our" dollars!!...Dollars from people who had lost their homes, Dollars from people who didn't know if they would have something to eat the next day...

So while the rich got all the help they needed, we the poor had to suffer...just because AIG was "too big to fail". Where is the logic on that. Where was our bailout when my Dad, lost his job? where was our bail out when we had to cut most of our utilities (internet,cable,telephone etc...) Did they even care that I had to quit school and work two jobs...just so that "our Home" would not be foreclosed on...I don't really think they even lost an hour of sleep over it.

Helena, I cannot tell you that I know what you are going through because, every situation is different but, I can tell you this...on the days that I felt that the situation was hopeless, the days where I felt that I could not possibly go a step further...I thought of my Family and My goals (dreams) and that alone made go through those days.

In a day like that is that I came up to with this phrase: I am Better, I will be Better, I must be Better!!

I am Better: Better than I was yesterday
I Must be better: Better than I am Today
I will be better: For this is the only way I can achieve my dreams...

here is for a better tomorrow...cheers!!

- Hector

Unknown said...

i ll drink on that Hector!For a better tomorrow.
I didnt know u had such experiences, i bet you know very well then , more than any of us what its like feeling betrayed by your own country.

What bothers me the most is not what is going to follow because i do have trust in myself and the knowledge i ve taken so far .I am lucky to be educated in the best university of my country , and if am lucky enough i will be working on a foreign European country soon..But why this had to happen in the first place ? i mean what is the logic ,as you said above; we cannot pay our loans but we do have millions of euros to give to the banks so that their system wont collapse..

Today we had a general strike and lots of riots took place in different regions all over the country , Mc posted a link and a photo.

As i hear now , most european countries have forbidden flights to and from our country.

But let me tell you this.. if thats the price we need to pay then so be it as long as the scamps go to jail.

Although i am now quite certain that all this crisis was ment to happen for this goal exactly.To nail Greece and take advantage of its geographical position.Mark my words.This is all f*ckin planned

Skye thanx for the money m8..Will you also give shelter to me and my boyfriend, guys ,if we have no place to live? xD we re smart people we ll find jobs quite fast and we re good people , we re GOOD people xD ..anyway humor is a way to forget ur pain..