May 31, 2010

May 31, 2010 — More than 20 people onboard a flotilla carrying aid for the Palestinian territory of Gaza were killed and 60 have been injured when security forces boarded the boats Monday.

Soldiers boarded six ships, the military said, after the flotilla refused to heed warnings to dock at Israel's Ashdod port, where supplies would be unloaded and transferred to Gaza.
"At about 4:30 am, Israeli commandos dropped from helicopter onto deck of Turkish ship, immediately opened fire on unarmed civilians," a post on the group's Twitter page said.


Early this morning the Israeli navy launched attack against the "freedom flotilla" carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza. Latest reports say that at least 10 people were killed and at least 60 injured among them one Greek national. Israeli private television channel speaks of 19 people killed. Greek flagged "Free Mediterranean" ship with a 34 member crew has been seized.
Reports say the Israeli navy have siezed the six ship convoy with some 700 activists aboard while sailing in international waters, 70 nautical mile off Gaza. The ships were carrying 10.000 tones of humanitarian aid.

The same sources said that Israel had warned the about 700 activists to head to Ashdot por, unload there the 10.000 tones of humanitarian aid and the Israeli would transport it to Gaza.
On Sunday, Israel stated determined to stop the ships and labeled their crews as supporters of terrorist "Hamaz".


(CNN) -- The international community on Monday condemned an Israeli naval commando raid on a flotilla carrying aid for Palestinians in Gaza, leaving 9 people dead.

Israel claimed it was defending itself, with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) saying the soldiers' lives were in danger after they were attacked with "severe physical violence, including live fire, weapons, knives and clubs."
The Free Gaza Movement, one of the organizers of the aid, said that Israeli commandos dropped from a helicopter onto the deck of one of the ships early Monday and "immediately opened fire on unarmed civilians."
A senior Israeli military official, speaking on condition of anonymity in an independent account cleared by military censors, said Israeli troops were planning to deal with peace activists on a Gaza-bound flotilla, "not to fight."



Skye said...

Did you see this already?

So low... But yeah, extremists will do anything to make the israeli look bad. Well, eh.. Not only extremists, but quite frankly, the whole muslim population on the earth, it seems sometimes.

Unknown said...

hey i just watched that..wait am confused , so he says that activists provoked israelians and actually succeeded by sacrifising few of their members and making this seem as israeli's intentional attack?

i dont know what to believe .... explain to me what you think..

Skye said...

I suppose you got it just right. All this hate seems unreasonable. The past is past and it's near impossible to rid Israel of it's people in these modern times. Why does the whole muslim world constantly attempt to, then?

I just cant see Israel as the aggressor, even though they aren't exactly clean either, with all the bs Mossad has committed.