April 18, 2010

Land Of Confusion by Disturbed

The answer is in the rebels we hide inside!!!YEEEE kick the banks
Nice video by Disturbed (Thrush-Nu Metal band) ,original song by Genesis


Anonymous said...

War is imminent, the preparations have been made, the place has been chosen, the rivalry has been forged...the cold artillery awaits to feel the embrace of death once again...the reasons for fighting we have long since forgotten. Do we even have a purpose anymore?...life, liberty, happiness? do we not have these yet, if not now then when?...Does a person really have to die in order to know the true meaning of Peace?

H said...

Totally accurate questions .However those answers you seek ,i am not sure i could give give to you, although they seem to be placed rather rhetorically.All i can say is that each person is born to be free (that may not be our significant purpose, because it is supposed to be something already given )to have equal chances in life, and death if you will, as everybody else.Why do you get the chance to live and get your education freely while people of the same age probably somewhere else on this planet struggle for survival.. Do we live under some kind of institution that deliberatelly retains those preparations you mention above? What if nothing really exists the way we imagine and suddenly we find ourselves pawns in an endless game of conspiracies .. How does dying for Peace give you the answer of its true meaning?

Anonymous said...

Not Dying for peace, but Dying is the only way for a person to attain true peace ...after all, if two enemies are buried side by side, they will find it very difficult to fight one another...as long as a person lives, War will always be part of his/her life whether they see it first hand or see the reality of war though pictures...war is all around us, I wish this was not the case, but it just is...what can we do to stop this madness?

It was your music video that provoked my first thoughts, I read an article about U.S. military (bomb) buildup about a month ago or so, it seems like Iran will be the next American target for war...and it feels like it's not a matter of "if" but "when" will war break out between the United States and Iran.

I liked your music video keep it up. :)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMnc7oBlWYk ^-RT Report on Bomb Build-up

H said...

"...after all, if two enemies are buried side by side, they will find it very difficult to fight one another"

Hmm that didnt sound much promising for the future of human kind but i guess you have a point there..It seems that war is all around us also running in our blood.Maybe it is just writen on our genes .Money =>Power enforcement => Violation of basic human rights => War => Victims, and all over again. But okay money money money , until when? How much wealthier some countries -people aim to be and how insignificant are the casualties to them?

About Iran , yes i have heard same theories somewhere , it is only a matter of time .I have also read and am about to post an interesting article about deposition of toxic wastes to African Ports (Ivory Coast) allowed by their paid corrupted governments etc.

\\thanx am open to suggestions ;)