April 9, 2009

Happy Easter

I wish happy Easter to everyone!May the spirit of the days enlight your souls and the path you chose to go through life!

Personally i believe that Christ was a rocker of his time :P ..He stepped onto the system and brought things up side down by overpassing all the low-minded lords and their rules.He could show his people the way to the light when everything around seemed dark and hopeless.He saw good in people that everyone else had already condemned as filthy and sinners.He never gave up on doing what is best not only for him but even more for his fellows ,however that cost his life in the end.

And untill today , History has shown many leaders before and after Christ that were crucified ,literally or not ,for their brilliant nature .Is that who we are? Why we extinguish paradigmatic people and accept to be ruled by narrow minded ,short sighted, not gifted ,less leaders?...I have many magnificent people in my head , i am intenting to type in the future.Till next time i would love to see your comments (not in the chatbox only please)..

By the way i want to express my sympathy for all the victims of the earthquake at the italian city L'Aquila and i hope that things get soon better for those who survived. I hope the Italian authorities take good care of them.I also pray for all the victims of the war around the Earth ..


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