April 5, 2009

About us as members

It is quite funny how often i encounter the following question in my conversations about what is or what should be our responsibility as parts-members of this planet in order to keep it alive and liveble:"Why should i give up my habits for the sake of "good" when at the same time others refuse to do it?" That shows how difficult it is for all of us to push aside our own convinience,change our view of living and follow new rules as an evidence that we care for everything that goes wrong and that we are really willing to try to overrule whatever it is that affects badly our fellows and nature in general.

Well there is only one answer i can give to that question and i hope this satisfies u once and for all.We should finally look ourselves as units of a bigger team and not only as individuals with certain needs and rights.

I respect others as much as i want to be respected by them .I don't compromise for something less and i dont take any knowledge for granted.In contrary, i make research ,i learn more things and i use this extra power to face any challenge that comes by. I fight for best and i transmit this message. So doing something good is not pointless because it may take time but finally the torch will pass to others and the message will spread.If It is the responsibility we are afraid of sooner or later it will knock our door.

So we can deny anything that doesnt feel right and as members of a mass we must keep our differences and be better by giving the good example..

here are few simple ways for each one of us in order to contribute for the best of this world,they can be easily applied by everyone:

-recycling (plastic, paper,glass,batteries etc)
-walking, cycling, wheeling and use of public transport to improve health and the urban environment, to mitigate global climate change
-wise use of water and electricity
-supporting local products
-helping in any ways local shelters and foundations (made for either humans or animals)
-refusing to take part in any kind of barbaric customs

..just so easy

1 comment:

Ava said...

I’ve been thinking hard...

…very hard… what we people can do for our world, our all home – and that, without cutting down the things we are used to. Things, which became a part of our daily life and business.
But there is a main problem, which is a fact in the same way:
It is almost impossible to change the minds and habbits of an entire world population.
All of us have been thinking about wars and conflicts, global warming (the greenhouse effect blah blah), pollution of the environment etc at least once in our lives. All of us may be willing to change something if there was some sort of spirit to "make a move". We all are very well informed about the "problems", such as those named above. By the newspapers we buy, news we watch on tv... but this is not a global problem at all. It is also a problem of and in everyone's own mind. People are living their lives with the adjustment "what others don't do, I don't have/want to do myself". Many people would start something, I am sure, but most people feel alone, as if they were the only ones interacting.
Why's that and how can we find a solution?
Most problems might be a problem of miscommunication. But then what about the "leaders"? Without any motivation, folks won't do anything. It should be their mission to make people think, and not to overflood them with commercial and low-minded tv shows >:
Who are the leaders anyway? Politicians? TV Stations? But aren't we all strong enough to be our own leader? Couldn't we just change the things we don't like, instead of only talking about the changes we want? If everyone would just act, and not wait for the others to act first, we members of this planet could have our own 'globalization'.