May 1, 2009

New pandemic or..?

On the 24th of April 60 people had already lost their lives in Mexico due to the virus of pigs, as it is called, for it is said pigs are responsible for a number of infections of lungs that can be transmitted to also pigs and humans.The virus can be transmitted from humans to other humans as well and this element is the one that causes the most concerns while many people already call the desease as the new pandemic.

Today the number of the victims is over 150 in Mexico ,50 in USA and there is also a small number of infections found in Israel, New Zealand and France but this number is continuously increasing to more people and more countries even after the limitations that most countries have set for flights to and from Mexico.

US authorities have announced that the desease cannot be restricted, at least till this moment but on the other hand they try to reassure people saying that there is no reason to panic as the situation is closely watched .

The desease mostly affects people at the age between 20-50 which is very upsetting indeed..I dont know what kind of new desease is that but it certainly puts me into worries and doubts..I believe somehow that nothing is random nowadays..

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