May 5, 2009

Operation:Massive Extinction

It seems like homeless dogs & cats have become a serious proglem in big cities around Europe that only "massive extinction" is suggested as the only efficient "solution" according to the European Union. Here am presenting the whole story as well as the address of the webpage where you can find this and sign a petition against this crime:

The problem:

"The growing numbers of abandoned and free-roaming pets (especially dogs and cats) have become a problem in some European states. More and more we are confronted with horrific news about and pictures of animals that have been poisoned or otherwise killed and animals who have been subjected to terrible abuse. Animal welfare activists have been trying for many years to improve the situation for strays and have made great personal and financial efforts to do so. Within the affected countries the legal protection of pets is either missing, completely inadequate or rarely implemented.
In recent times throughout the world and in some European countries strays have been held responsible for the spread of rabies and other diseases. In some countries mass killings of roaming dogs and cats have already been undertaken under this pretence. "

The solution of the stray dog problem in accordance with the OIE

"The draft guidelines of the OIE (World Organization for Animal Health) have already accepted methods used by various non-European countries. The guidelines of OIE are strongly targeted on economic aspects. They define clearly the methods required for implementation of containment of rabies connected with the stray problem. The OIE, whose leading commissioners come from countries having problems with strays, naturally support the immediate elimination of the problem. The fastest solution for solving the stray problem according to the OIE guidelines is euthanasia of the animals - especially regarding monetary costs, infrastructure and "unsuitability“ of the animals."

The consequences for Europe

"This appalling document of the OIE means not only a sentence of death for stray dogs world-wide, it is also approved by the majority of the EU representatives according to the result of their voting on the “European Parliament resolution of 22 May 2008 on a new animal health strategy for the European Union 2007-2013 (2007/2260(INI))”.

However, no such legal frame has yet been passed.

But, because the EU is planning to apply for OIE membership and because all member states of the EU are members of the OIE as well, there exists the great danger that in Europe killing shelters and mass killings of stray animals will be established by law.

Such killings will not be performed only in times of acute rabies in some regions. They can be conducted as well in cases where human beings feel bothered or harassed by faeces and noise, or when the animals are feared to be the cause of obstruction of traffic. A dog may be killed if it is said it was dangerous or if a town or a municipality has insufficient financial resources for vaccination or castration or to keep animals in a shelter for a longer period of time. We all know, what can happen if local authorities are the decision makers (see e.g. Serbia, Turkey, China, etc.)!
Euthanasia of our companion animals becomes a solution for a human-made problem that people are not willing to solve!!

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